Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Glitter and Earth is one!

Well, I can't quite believe that it's been a whole year since I started Glitter and Earth! 

I still remember walking round the field with my dogs one misty morning contemplating what to call my 'brand'. I knew I wanted glitter in the title and something else.

The mist was very thick that morning (something that happens quite a lot in St Just) and so it was very nearly called Glitter and Mist!  I finally decided on Earth though as it sounded grounding and also because I try to be environmentally conscious with the materials I buy. 

I got to work on my logo in between Tabitha's needs and it came together surprisingly quickly!

I had made some stamps, which were great fun to carve out and simply played around with a few arrangements. Sometimes I wish I had put more colour in to reflect the vibrant nature of my work, but I like the earthiness of it. It also makes me feel quite nostalgic now, so I don't think I will be changing it for sometime.

This year has given me a lot of confidence and I have my lovely Facebook, Twitter and Instagram followers ( and the lovely Massofhair) to thank for that.

I have gone from being nervous about anyone liking my work, to knowing that people do! My mission is simply to find them! 

My creativity has soared and I feel very lucky to be an artist. I'm learning all the time and I love what I do! Thank you for being part of my journey!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

It's not just fairies!

I wanted to share some recent commisions that I have done for people. I love being asked to do something a little bit different and out of my comfort zone.

I never know quite what something is going to turn out, but that is really exciting to me.

I love the concentration involved in tackling a new subject and it's brilliant when it turns out well.

The best thing however, is knowing that someone is going to be delighted with their special card, because a friend or relative has asked for something to be created, just for them.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Five ways to put more sparkle in your day.

So, what does that mean exactly? Well, I see it as having a little bit of magic about you. It's the bit of fairy glamour that attracts others to you and makes you feel light, bright and positive. 

I think that cultivating a bit of sparkle is a really positive thing. When you are feeling happy, you are open and confident and much less likely to spiral down dark paths. By staying light, you will brighten other people's day and show them that it IS possible ( as well as feeling a whole lot better about yourself.)

How to do it!

Self care

It can be easy to neglect to look after ourselves properly, especially when we are busy and stressed. As a teenager, I was not into makeup or clothes. In fact I was anti fashion and lived happily in oversized band t-shirts. I didn't really care what I looked like and that was fine with me! However, I notice now, that when I make an effort to put some lipstick on or choose a nice outfit, I feel a LOT better about myself.

It's those moments when you look in the mirror and think 'hey, that's me and I'm looking pretty good' that give you a boost. Instead of the alternative scenario where you haven't bothered, you feel tired and moody and your reflection not only reinforces that feeling, but sinks your confidence a bit too.

Your appearance shouldn't matter (after all it's what's on the inside that counts!) but how will anyone know what a beautiful soul you are if you neglect to express yourself as beautiful? 

Mood boosters

There is lots of advice out there on how to start your day,  as it sets you up for how you approach the rest of your day. People recommend, meditation, yoga, exercise and a good breakfast. These are all good, but to get some sparkle going, I would put on some music, have a dance, or sing! Start your day with passion an excitement and don't let anything knock you off course. 

Follow your thoughts like water

Have you noticed how your thoughts seem to trickle down into your body and leave you with either a good or bad feeling? In order to maintain a sparkly feeling, you need to make sure that your thoughts are making you feel good. Just like water, thoughts and emotions run down well worn tributaries, simply flowing unless they find resistance. 

Your habitual thoughts will have a well channeled groove in your emotional body and it is up to you to build dams for negative thoughts and actually carve out new pathways for your shining thoughts to run through.

It takes work and practice, but when you are habitually reaching for happier thoughts, it will be even easier to find that extra bit of sparkle. 

Ocean dips and free swimming

There is nothing quite like getting in natural water to reconnect you and make you feel all shiny and new. Just try it! You will feel special, like you are carrying around an awesome secret. If you don't live close to open water, then have a cold shower. Seriously! You will feel so good after.

Polish your aura

Just because you don't (usually) see it, doesn't mean you should neglect it. Your aura is your energetic space around you and people pick up on how you are feeling without you having to say a word. It helps to visualise your chakras and ensure that everything is flowing as it should. Imagine golden light around you, glittering and enveloping you. 

I like to visualise flowers in mine! This is a lovely and uplifting thing to practice. You can even imagine the smell to give yourself an extra lift.

I hope you find some of this useful! If you would like a bit more detail or any clarification, then let me know.
In the meantime, shine on!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Birthdays, balloons and stuff

Well it was my birthday on Monday and celebrating another year tends to make me a little reflective. 

I love birthdays, I'm not one of those people who get upset that they are a year older, instead I'm pretty happy that I am a year wiser and that I get to continue on this crazy thing called life.

So I kind of started celebrating in my head about a week before, because hey! A day is too short! And too much pressure to make perfect. Instead, if you spread out your birthday, you can maintain a happy birthday buzz for days! (Don't tell me I'm the only one!?)

Anyway, my actual birthday was absolutely lovely. The weather was shocking (hail storms and freezing wind, but that was fine! I enjoy dramatic weather!

We went to The Old Coastguard in Mousehole for lunch and took it in turns chasing after Tabitha! Times have certainly changed. Previous years would have included a heady evening of food and wine and lengthy conversations about life, the universe and everything. This year, we hardly got to talk let alone drink, but it was perfect nonetheless.

On my birthday wish list, was to buy a red helium balloon for Tabitha, which might sound odd, but was the best thing! We have been reading 'Pip and Posy: The Big Balloon' by Axel Schleffler  to Tabitha and it had made a big impression, so I just wanted to bring it to life for her.

She grinned when she saw it for the first time. She held it in the car all the way home with her legs kicking excitedly. She ran around in amazement when she got home, she ate dinner holding onto it and she even took it into the shower. Bless! It took her a while to actually let go of it so she could sleep that night.

I couldn't believe something so simple could bring so much joy! 

The balloon slowly sank after a couple of days (I don't think it liked having a shower) and I  felt it symbolised the end of my celebrations. 

So, I felt a little 'off' today. I noted it early on in the day and just decided to be aware of it and not let it escalate. It took me a while to realise that it was simply a readjustment of getting back to 'normal'. 

But then, the reality of everyday life and everyday thinking can be just as I choose it to be. My birthday might be over but, I've got so much to look forward to this year and when it comes down to it, every day is special with my little girl. I count my blessings every day and feel lucky to spend another year on this planet.

How about you? Do you look forward to birthdays?